Help Us Stage Our Comeback

Make your mark. Engrave your name. Be a part of history.

As we resurface from the pandemic, the Friends of the Boudinot-Southard-Ross Estate is excited to share a new opportunity that embraces our Ross Farm family, our purpose and our dreams. Imagine magical music nights at the Ross Farm. Picture Colonial and cultural events for you and your family. Now envision a unique and functional stage that can be used for a variety of events, concerts and displays – a legacy for years to come.

Thanks to the vision and expertise of Ron Pace, our music series sponsor and committee member, we are raising funds to offset the cost of transforming a flatbed trailer into a much-needed new stage.

Based on levels of support, donors will be commemorated on the stage at upcoming events, recognized on our social media and included in press releases provided to local media outlets. Join us in staging our comeback!

specific amount to be entered on PayPal website or you will write it on your check
Enter text below. Spaces count as characters. (Suggestions include "In honor of…" "In memory of…" "Congrats to…." "Thanks for…" etc.)
Sponsorships may be paid via PayPal on the next page (after submitting this form). Checks should be made payable FoBSR (Friends of the Boudinot-Southard-Ross Estate). FoBSR is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Upon receipt, we will supply a confirmation letter. Please provide the following information on this automatic form. If preferred, print and mail the form, along with a check, to: Nola Hansen 47 E. Oak St., Basking Ridge, NJ 07920. Please contact Nola at or 973-650-6458 if you have any questions.

Support Levels

Marquee Donor
$1,000 +
(only 3 available)
4 lines of text, 20 characters ea., or business logo + 1 line of text

Center Stage $500 - $999
(only 6 available)
3 lines of text, 20 characters ea.

Back Stage $250 - $499 (unlimited)
2 lines of text, 20 characters ea.

Stage Door $100 - $249 (unlimited)
1 line of text, 20 characters