April 2020 announcement

Posted by on April 15, 2020

Dear Ross Farm friends and family,

We were so looking forward to gathering at the Ross Farm again this spring to work in Boudinot’s Giving Garden, share our history with the Oak Street School 4th graders, host the amazing local artists at the annual ARTsee Happening, and kick off the sixth season of our Ross Farm Music Series. We were looking forward to our booth at Charter Day and trying some new things at the Farm. However, along with much of the rest of the world, we are taking a pause while we all work together in an attempt to lessen the spread of COVID-19 in our community and beyond.

We are following local, county and state guidelines and we are still looking forward to gathering at the Ross Farm once we are on the other side of this extraordinary time in history. With the Ross Farm history reaching back to the very beginnings of our country, this time will also become part of our history. Some events have to be cancelled, but we hope to reschedule as many as we can, and we will definitely keep you posted. To that end, please follow us on Facebook at The Ross Farm – Basking Ridge for the most up-to-date information.

We remain grateful to the Somerset County Parks Commission, our supporters and friends and anticipate a joyous return to activities when it is deemed safe to do so.

With warm regards,
The Friends of the Boudinot-Southard-Ross Estate

David Becker, President
Martin Hale
Karin Hanlon
Nola Hansen
Hilary Klimek
Jan Malay
Karen Morley
Bruce McArthur
Ned Nelson
Larry Terricone
Ken VanBaalen
Jeff West
Andi Williams
Jan Williams
Peter Winter

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